OK, so Sunday's sermon was called Christmas Chaos--Where we see Chaos God sees Christmas--great subject for this time of year with all the "stuff" that dominates our lives. Christmas shopping, parties, school & church plays, family events...you know chaos! The focus verse for the sermon was Romans 8:28, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him..., we had some good laughs about the things that happen during this time of year and an earlier experience that I had this week with our family’s Christmas tree as well as the thought that every tree that I’ve put up this year appears to have a slight lean to it (to the right of course). Then, that evening, we had our children’s Christmas program, For the Glory of the King, a great production by our children’s choir and Chris and Shannon Shuford (and all the people that made the production possible). During the program a certain little shepherd (*cough* Cade Marlowe *cough*) managed to run into the church’s Christmas tree causing it to shake back and forth (and my heart to skip a beat). The tree would stop shaking and remain in its upright (if not somewhat leaning) position, and after the laughter died down, the show would indeed go on—all in all, a great time of worship and fellowship at Tuckaseege.
Fast forward to 3:55AM this morning, there's a crash from downstairs in the Marlowe houses hold. Like any normal person, I grab the .45 and toss Emily (my lovely wife) her .38—just in case whatever/whoever it is makes it past me (you should note here that the Marlowe's do not mess around). I go downstairs ready to extend the love of God to someone and what do I find? An 8ft tree lying on the ground, water, lights and broken ornaments everywhere—you know chaos. I would have preferred to have shot something and to be honest if it wasn’t for the extra clean up and the sure to follow discussions with local law enforcement, I probably would’ve shot the tree. Em and I now work in the wee hours of the morning spending quality time together, cleaning up broken glass (it's surprising how compact 50 or so ornaments become when crushed). Once the house is back in some order (very relative term here) Em returns to bed to try and catch a quick nap and I begin my day by reading a daily devotional book (a neat little book that was a gift to us from dear friends). As I read through the devotional, Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young, a great 365 day devotional written as if Jesus is speaking to you, I am once again amazed at the uncanny timing of God. Putting all of our morning “festivities” into perspective as well as the sermon I had just preached the day before, here is what the devotional entry was for December 12th:
“I AM TAKING CARE OF YOU. Feel the warmth and security of being enveloped in My loving Presence. Every detail of your life is under My control. Moreover, everything fits into a pattern for good, to those who love Me and are called according to My design and purpose.
Because the world is in an abnormal, fallen condition, people tend to think that chance governs the universe. Events may seem to occur randomly, with little or no meaning. People who view the world this way have overlooked one basic fact: the limitations of human understanding. What you know of the world you inhabit is only the tip of the iceberg. Submerged beneath the surface of the visible world are mysteries too vast for you to comprehend. If you could only see how close I am to you and how constantly I work on your behalf, you would never again doubt that I am wonderfully caring for you. This is why you must live by faith, not by sight; trusting in My mysterious, majestic Presence. (Jesus Calling, Sarah Young, p.363)
So there it is, my morning in a little under seven hundred words. I hope that my family’s little bit of Christmas Chaos brings a smile to your face—and I hope that you have the opportunity to see the true story of Christmas even through all of the chaos—and to know that God has a plan and a purpose for your life...even in the chaos.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!