It seems that technology changes daily. As I look around the local coffee shop, I find myself becoming envious of all the new “techno-gadgets” that surround me. I see iPads and the latest Microsoft tablet computers, and don’t even get me started on the phones. Smart phones, iPhones, Droids, 3G, 4G….the list goes on and on! The truth is even if I had the newest and greatest gadgets (and believe me not a day goes by that I’m not trying to convince my wife of the absolute need in our life of an iPad and all things Mac!) I probably would never have a clue of how to fully use them. Now I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, I’m not tech-illiterate—I’m just not as versed in the ways of technology as this new generation is…you know, like my 7 year old daughter!
The truth be told, I’m probably not utilizing my own BlackBerry to the fullest of its potential, and I know that my laptop yawns in boredom every time I log on. There is untapped potential in the technology that I already have—untapped potential right at my fingertips, I just don’t know how to make it a reality.
Sometimes I think our lives are the same way. We slink around going from one humdrum day to the next, never fully recognizing the power that God has given us. As a follower of Christ, you have access to the Creator of the universe—in fact, I believe (and the bible teaches) that the Spirit of God actually dwells in you. Think about that, you have the Spirit of God in you! The Apostle Paul reminded his young apprentice Timothy that indeed God has not given us a Spirit of timidity, but a Spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). I believe, just like young Timothy, we need to be reminded of how awesome the power of God that is working through us really is.
Think about this for a moment, we quote verses like Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me”, but do we truly live a life that reflects the power that we claim to have? We move around this world with our heads down and looking defeated, searching out the newest and greatest thing that might bring us happiness and joy. We’ve lost sight of the power that is already in our lives, through Jesus Christ himself. This “power” was best demonstrated in Jesus’ own resurrection. As the bible describes it—God wants us to understand the “incomparably great power that is available for us who believe…a power that is the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised him from the dead” (Ephesians 1:19-20a). As we celebrate the Easter season may we never lose sight of the sacrifice that was paid at Calvary—and may we be reminded on Easter Sunday that the same power that was employed in raising Christ from the dead, is in us—waiting to be tapped to make a difference in our life and those we will touch.
The question then is, how do we tap into this power that is in every believer? The answer is as simple as the old Nike ad--"Just Do It." The power of God is exerted in our faith and actions. A person who moves in the power of God, moves out with only the simplest commands from God—“come” and “go”. When we move out in faith, we know that no matter what our enemies place in our way, we will overcome--not through our own strength or might, but through the power of God.
The true power of God will never be realized if you continue to play it safe. If you never venture beyond your own circle of Christian friends and co-workers that you have used to insulate yourself from the worries of this world, how will you ever understand the power of God? The true power of God in a believer’s life is not realized until you make the conscious decision to “go” and “to tell”. Then despite what the world sees as overwhelming opposition, you see opportunities for the power of God to be revealed in your life and to others around you. Go out today—live out your faith and fully experience the power of God in your life. Utilize the untapped power of God and live the life that He has destined for you.
Brother, that was very well said and you made a great segway from what appeals to most people's hearts these days to something that SHOULD appeal to most people's hearts these days. I've always wondered the same thing myself as to why the people who should be the happiest and most powerful in everything that they do, always walk around defeated.